In his novel, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain, he uses satire to show the struggles in today’s society. The story opens with Huck sneak away from his home to play with Tom Sawyer and his friends. While hanging out with his friends they decide to start a gang and to kidnap people. Not only would they kidnap the people but they would also hold them for ransom. They soon find that they cannot ransom anyone because they do not know what holding for ransom means. Huck’s friend Tom has an idea to the meaning of the word, but maybe if we keep them till they're ransomed, it means that we keep them till they're dead. All of the boys agree this is the meaning of the word. In this part of the novel, Mark Twain uses satire to show that even though something is wrong, if civilization or society accepts it to be true, then it is believed to be true.
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